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Nine tactics to improve your PPC campaign performance in 2022

Jun 9

PPC campaign performance is a crucial part of your business's success. The more money you spend on PPC ads, the more likely it is that your ads will show up in search results when people look for products like yours.

The goal of all PPC campaigns is to get people to click on the advertisement and end up on your website. This can be accomplished in many ways: If you're selling shoes, for example, you might want to use PPC ads to offer coupons or discounts on certain days of the week. If you're selling dog food, maybe you'll want to show how much your product will help a dog maintain its health and wellbeing.

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Tactics to improve your PPC campaign performance

The New Year comes with a whole new set of challenges and opportunities for your paid advertising campaigns. If you do not want to take help from any amazon consulting agency, we're here to help you navigate them and make sure your PPC performance doesn't go stale over the next 12 months.

Here are nine tactics you can use to improve your PPC campaign performance in 2022:

  1. Look for new opportunities
  2. Optimize your ads
  3. Test your landing pages
  4. Find keywords that work for you
  5. Use broader match modifiers
  6. Try negative keywords for broad match terms
  7. Look at mobile queries and find ways to improve them
  8. Use automated bidding strategies to save time
  9. Benchmark yourself against competitors

Look for new opportunities

It’s important to think about the digital marketing landscape as a whole. The reason for this is simple: your competitors are doing it. If you're not looking for new opportunities and ways to improve your PPC campaign, you're going to be left behind. It's no longer enough to run the same old campaigns, using the same old tactics. You need to be on top of your game if you want to continue growing your business and staying competitive in an increasingly crowded marketplace.

One way to do this is by taking advantage of the latest trends and innovations in digital marketing technology. For example, there are now many tools available that can help you manage your PPC campaigns more efficiently than ever before—and they're all designed specifically with small businesses in mind! You might have to change some things around or add something new, but this will help you get better results from your AdWords investment.

Optimize your ads

As a business owner, you know that a successful PPC campaign starts with the ads. To optimize your ad performance in 2020, make sure you're using the right keywords. If there are any possible misspellings of your brand name or product, include those in your ad group names and descriptions. The best way to do this is by using Google AdWords Keyword Planner, which will help you discover which keywords are most likely to drive traffic, and it'll also tell you what sort of competition those keywords have (which will help inform where you should spend your money).

There's no need to go overboard with this kind of thing—just start optimizing for a few of the most important terms related to your business, and then see how those changes affect conversion rates.

Test your landing pages

With Google AdWords, you can test your landing pages to determine which ones are performing the best. To do this, you need to create multiple versions of your landing pages and then run A/B tests on them.

You will want to change one thing at a time when testing landing pages—so that you know what caused the change in performance. You also want to make sure that your changes are not causing any problems with other elements of your campaign. The best way to do this is through A/B testing. You can test different elements on your page, like the headline or call-to-action button, as well as the entire page itself. If you find an element that works better than another, then use that in your ads moving forward!

Find keywords that work for you

Keywords are the most important part of a successful PPC campaign. When you're writing your ads, you should focus on using keywords that are relevant to your business and to your customers.

Keywords can be anything from a specific product or service to a broad description, like "cheap" or "best." The goal is to find the right balance between being too general (so that you aren't able to reach the right customers) and being too specific (so that no one will ever find you).

If you're not sure what keywords work best for your campaigns, try looking at the "top search terms" section in Google Ads. This will show you what people are searching for when they come across your ad. It's also a good idea to keep track of which keywords get clicks and which don't—that way, you'll know which ones work well for future campaigns!

Use broad match modifiers

If you're not already using broad match modifiers in your PPC campaigns, you're missing out on a huge opportunity for more clicks and conversions. Broad match modifiers allow you to bid on additional search queries that are close (but not exactly) matched to your keywords. This can result in increased traffic—and increased conversions!

For example, let's say you run an e-commerce site and sell shoes.

Your product page has a section where customers can share their photos wearing their shoes in different outfits or settings. To promote this feature of your site and get users on Instagram to share photos of themselves wearing their favorite pairs of shoes from your store.

You could target people who are searching for terms like "shoe," "shoes," and "sneakers." But with broad match modifiers, you could also target people who are searching for terms like "white sneaker," "black sneaker," and "blue sneaker."

Try negative keywords for broad match terms

Negative keywords are one of the most powerful tools in your PPC arsenal. They allow you to control which results in Google shows for broad match keywords, and they can help you improve your campaign performance by excluding irrelevant traffic. Negative keywords are words that exclude certain search queries from showing up in your ad groups.

For example,

if you're selling shoes and want to target people searching for "black shoes," but don't want to show ads to people searching for "blue shoes," then you would add "blue" as a negative keyword.

Negative keywords are very effective because they help you avoid wasting money on irrelevant search queries that won't benefit your business.

Look at mobile queries and find ways to improve them

Mobile queries have been underperforming for years. In fact, if you look at the data, mobile queries are often more expensive than desktop queries. This is in part because there's a lower volume of clicks on mobile devices, but it's also because advertisers have struggled to optimize their keywords for mobile devices.

However, this isn't the case anymore. Smartphones have gotten more powerful year after year and they now have the processing power to run many of the same tasks that computers can handle. This means that we can use the same keyword tactics on mobile devices as we use on desktops—and with better results!

If you can't make your website mobile-friendly, it's time to start thinking about how your ads will look on mobile devices. If your ads aren't optimized for mobile, you're missing out on a huge opportunity. Your competitors are likely already taking advantage of this.

If you're not sure where to start with optimizing for mobile, here are some tips:

1) Make sure your landing page is easy to read and navigate on a small screen.

2) Make sure the text is big enough to read easily on a small screen.

3) Make sure all buttons are big enough so that users can click them easily without having to zoom in or scroll around too much.

Use automated bidding strategies to save time

Automated bidding strategies are a great way to save time and improve your PPC campaign performance in 2020.


Because automated bidding strategies let you set parameters for how much you're willing to pay for a click, with the goal of achieving a specific ROI. Your bids will then continually adjust based on the competition so that when your competitors have lower bids than yours, you can take advantage of it and pay less for the same number of clicks (and vice versa).

This means that you'll no longer need to manually set rates each time new keywords or ads are added or updated—instead, it will be done automatically by the platform. This makes it easier to stay on top of all changes as they happen, which is crucial if you want to see an increase in performance.

Benchmark yourself against competitors

Your PPC campaign performance is a reflection of the market and what your competitors are doing. That's why it's so important to benchmark against them. Your goal should be to beat your competitors in every facet of PPC optimization: cost per acquisition, quality score, click-through rate, conversion rate, and more. This will give you an idea of where you stand, what's working and what isn't, and how far behind or ahead of the curve you are.

Once you've done this, you can use this information to make adjustments to your campaign. The best part is that it only takes a few minutes!

Conclusive Remarks

In conclusion, there are many ways to improve your PPC campaign performance. You can do this by making sure that your landing pages are relevant and provide a high-quality experience for users. You can also use tactics such as remarketing and bidding strategies to improve the effectiveness of your campaigns.

The most important thing is to keep track of your progress and make sure that you're not missing any opportunities to optimize. Pay attention to what your competitors are doing, and don't get too comfortable with your current strategy. By following the advice provided in this article, you will be able to create a successful PPC campaign that will help you achieve your goals!